Business Leaders

Get precise answers, make faster data-driven decisions

The Challenge

As Decision-makers driving organizational strategy, Business Leaders need quick and reliable access to data to make informed decisions. However, they face several obstacles:

  • Data Discovery: Business leaders often encounter challenges when trying to find the data they need to answer their questions
  • Data Literacy: Top-down data literacy initiatives are hindered by users unable to interact with enterprise data clearly
  • Data Fatigue: The overwhelming volume of data, along with dashboards and reports that often lack context or clear explanations, significantly impairs the ability to effectively utilize data resources
The Solid Solution

Strategic Insights
for Business Leaders

Ask and Discover

Ask a business question in your language, and get directed to the most relevant dashboard or report to answer it

Facilitate In-Depth Analytics

For complex questions, Solid helps structure the issue and enables your analysts to provide full and trusted responses quickly

Access Personalized Data Portal

Benefit from AI-based recommendations for analytics assets, facilitating quick discovery, reuse, and modification

Leverage Natural Language Search

Use natural language search to find the most relevant and trustworthy data resources efficiently

Solid Benefits
Data Literacy
Improved Decision
making Confidence
Solid Benefits
Data Literacy
Decision making Confidence

Accelerate decision-making, enhance trust in data and boost analyst productivity  today

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